Some of the guys back in Philly taking care of their own. Wissahickon trails are among the top mountain biking trails in the northeast and only 5 minutes from center city Philly. Hiker/Equestrian/Biker relations could stand to be a little better but from what I experienced there are just a couple jerks in every camp and for the most part they are all pretty cool. I used to make a point of talking with the equstrians and never found one (ok, maybe one) who was rude or obnoxious. Close by in MD about 45 min from Philly is another beautiful spot to ride and user relations there are fair to strong. The bikers all around are awesome and some of the friendliest folks I've ever met. One day s/he is a stranger on the path, couple weeks later they're regulars on the ride! Can you tell I miss it?
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